7 things that happen at every Mardi Gras

  • March 02, 2017
7 things that happen at every Mardi Gras

It’s that time of year again – #GayChristmas!

Sydney is smothering themselves in Bondi Sands, buying insane amounts of glitter and scrubbing up on the best Arianna Grande hits for Sydney’s Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras this weekend.

But those who’ve been to the parade and parties before will say some of the same ol (sometimes debaucherous) events happen every dang year.

Be teamed up with Courtney Act to run through the PG rated things that happen at every Sydney Mardi Gras.

1. The costume order fail
The decision for the squad to go to the parade in matching uber skanky costumes seems like a fab idea at the time but, really, who is that organised to order their costume on time? And if you are there’s always sizing issues. ARGH!

2. The rip off Uber Surge 
Literally daylight robbery – it’s worse than NYE prices.

3. Saying you’re not going but you totally are
There’s always that person who insists they’re not going to the parade this year. “I’m just going have quite night in and watch Netflix” NEK MINNIT it’s 4am at Arq and you’re dancing on a podium to Mariah with no shirt on. Goals.

4. Drunk retouches in the club
It doesn’t have to be Mardi Gras for this one to happen!

5. Losing track of time 
Who doesn’t know the feeling of leaving a club on Oxford Street with the morning sun dawning on your face like the harsh reality that you totally have to be at work in less than 16 hours.

6. Heel in the road/grate
Those in heels will know the pain of having a little whoopsie-daisy in the street after a couple of piño-collapsos. os.

7. The end of the night kebab 
Getting busted smashing a sloppy kebab at the end of the night by that hot guy you’ve been chatting to on Grindr is like social suicide eeeeek.

Check out our video with Courtney Act to bring on the Mardi Gras LOLs.

via Yahoo 7 Be